
This is my personal website! Open source, headless CMS, fully typed and framer motion.

This website is completely open source!


The website is built using the following technologies:

  • Next.js for server-side rendering and routing
  • MDX for writing blog posts with React components
  • Vercel for deployment
  • TailwindCSS for styling
  • Framer Motion for animations
  • Hygraph as the CMS
  • TypeScript for type checking and strict type definitions

The codebase for the website is hosted on GitHub, and it is open source under an open source license. Contributions and feedback are always welcome!


The website has several features that make it easy to navigate and explore:

Home page: The home page features a brief introduction to myself and my work, with links to my social media profiles and recent blog posts and projects. Projects page: The projects page showcases my past projects, with descriptions, screenshots, and links to live demos and source code. Blog: My blog contains my thoughts and reflections on various tech topics. The blog posts are written in MDX format, allowing me to use React components and custom styling.


To run the website locally, you can follow these steps: